The Ins and Outs of an Ordinary Life

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Year of Fifty

Do I write the usual blather about all that I have accomplished in the year past (or all that I did NOT accomplish) and my goals/resolutions for the year ahead? Well, I feel somewhat obliged so let me make it short and simple.

I am not the same person I was a year ago, physically or emotionally, maybe even spiritually (I have not yet decided if spirituality applies here-- more on this in another post). I am in a much better place.

2006 is the year that I will turn fifty, a milestone, and I am determined to be the fifty year old woman that I envision: strong and beautiful from the inside out. I will be true to myself, I will find balance between self, work, and family, I will spend more time nurturing relationships that I have neglected.

"Exercise is what makes my days satisfying and my nights peaceful. I’ve tried other methods but all the other methods involve hangovers of one form or another." Gordo Byrn
Yeah, no more emotional hangovers or beating myself up or eating crap and feeling like it.

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